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DIRECTPRO®20W/25W Resin Wax

                              Direct Info CO.,LTD.                                


l        高耐磨特性,耐磨度比固特耐更佳。

l        中性的pH值,廣泛適用於各種磨石地板、木質地板及塑膠地板等。使用後地板光亮如新、不沾粘、光滑舒爽。

l        亮度更高、更加安定。 地板打上DIRECTPRO ®20W/25W樹脂蠟後,依使用情況可以維持地板亮麗光滑16個月;不剝落、不會造成粉塵及難看的凹凸表面。是專業通路最佳的專業選擇。

l        易儲存  置放於陰涼處。不必擔心原料硬化或變質。

l        高低溫安定性 即使冷凍再解凍達8次以上的循環,仍舊不影響原性質。

l        抗硬水 即使使用環境因硬水使用殘留礦物質過高,也不影響成膜性質。


使用前須先將地板表面清理乾淨。若地板殘留著前一次的地板硬光蠟,宜先使用DIRECTPRO ®除蠟劑將之去除乾淨後,再上DIRECTPRO ®20W/25W樹脂蠟,會使地板更光亮舒爽。清理乾淨的地板可以以手工或機械均勻塗上DIRECTPRO ®20W/25W樹脂蠟,靜置待乾後,即自動形成一層光亮的蠟膜。DIRECTPRO ®20W/25W樹脂蠟為高濃度的硬光蠟,若使用時覺得過於濃稠,可以酌量加水稀釋,但過度稀釋可能會影響成膜張力,進而影響成膜亮度及均勻度。

TYPICAL PROPERTIES (Material Safety Data Sheet)

l        APPEARANCE: Milky white liquid

l        COMPONENTS:
RESIN Polymer            15~30%
Dilute Solvent               9~12%
Additives                      9~16%

l        pH: 7+_1.0

l        Emulsifier Type: Nonionic

TYPICAL PROPERTIES (Material Safety Data Sheet)

l        APPEARANCE               : Clear solution

l        COMPONENTS              :
Surfactant                     15~35%
Additives                       10~20%

l        pH                                  :7

l        Hazardous Ingredients: No hazardous ingredients known at this time.

l        Reactivity Data:
Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.
Incompatibility: None Known to cause dangerous condition.

l        Fire and Explosion: Nonflammable
Flash point: N.D.

l        Health Hazards:
Eye Contact: Although no appropriate human or animal health effects data are known to exits, this material is expected to cause eye irritation.
Skin Absorption: No appropriate human or animal health effects data are known to exits.
Ingestion: This material is expected to be an ingestion hazard.

l        First Aid Measures:
Eye Contact: Immediately wash eyes with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes and contact physician as needed.
Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and shoes and wash skin with water.
Ingestion: Contact physician.

l        Protective Equipment and Other Control Measures:
Respiratory: Not required.
Eye: Approved safety glasses with side shield.
Clothes:  Not required.
Additional Comments: Eye washes and safety showers should be available.
Educate and train employees in the use of this product, besides also follow all label instructions.

l        Disposal Methods: Recycle or rework if feasible.

l        Note:
   The information in this MSDS was obtained from source which we believe is reliable. However, the information is provided without any warranty, express or implied, regarding its correctness.
   The MSDS was prepared and is used only for this product. If the product is used as a component in another product, this MSDS information may not be applicable.





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