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SUSWET® L1 Multi-use Water-Based Cleaning Solution

                              Direct Info CO.,LTD.                                

SUSWET® L1 is a totally new form solution, extensively effect- tive in dissolving stubborn stains, machine oils, printing ink, spray paint and correction ink daub.

l        各式油污 硬是有效!! 油煙?有效! 開關把手清潔?(指痕油污)有效! CD片清潔?有效!電腦鍵盤?有效! 電視螢幕?有效! 各式噴漆?(PP PE噴漆也是有效)有效! 奇異筆?有效! 原子筆?有效! 白板筆?簽字筆?報紙印?印章?郵戳?油墨? 通通有效!且效果傑出!!

l        百分之百與水互溶。過水性佳。以清水擦拭、清洗,可完全清除。不殘留。稀釋使用效果依然傑出,更經濟!

l        弱鹼性。用於軟金屬,鋁、鋅合金,不會腐蝕,發生反應,導致起泡、穿孔或變色。 用於透明塑膠板不會造成霧化。

l        適用性廣。對於家庭、公司所能接觸到的大部份污漬,皆能有效去除。廚房瓷磚、排油煙機、浴盆、洗手台、辦公桌、白板(請稀釋使用),通通有效!清潔效果傑出。

l        更安全。弱鹼性,低腐蝕性。不含苯、甲苯等芳香族類有機溶劑,更環保。

l        請遠避火源。使用於機器上,請先停止機器的運轉。

l        Water soluble, general to use on ceramic tile, hood, bathtub, CD, DVD, desk, white board…etc.

l        Can use on Soft Metals such as Aluminum or Pewter.

NOTE: Keep distant from FIRE. Flammable!


Just spray, wipe the stain! (Before spray, ascertain the surface material is colorfast! you can try on the corner.)

 TYPICAL PROPERTIES (Material Safety Data Sheet)

l        APPEARANCE                : Light yellow clear solution

l        COMPONENTS               :
High Kb value Solvent            9~12%

l        pH(1%)                              :12.5

l        Hazardous Ingredients: No hazardous ingredients known at this time.

l        Reactivity Data:
Hazardous Polymerization
: Will not occur.
Incompatibility: None Known to cause dangerous condition.

l        Fire and Explosion: Flammable

l        Eye Contact: This material is expected to be an Eye Contact hazard.
Skin Absorption: This material is expected to be an Skin Contact hazard.

: This material is expected to be an ingestion hazard.

l        First Aid Measures:
Eye Contact
: Immediately wash eyes with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes and contact physician as needed.
Skin Contact
: Remove contaminated clothing and shoes and wash skin with large amounts of water.
: Drink large amounts of water or milk. Contact physician.

l        Protective Equipment and Other Control Measures
Respiratory: Not required if adequate ventilation is maintained, otherwise an approved organic vapor full-face respirator is advised.

Eye: Approved safety glasses with side shield.

Clothes: Protective work clothes.
Additional Comments
: Eye washes and safety showers should be available.
Educate and train employees in the use of this product, besides also follow all label instructions.

l        Disposal Methods: Recycle or rework if feasible.

l        Note:
    The information in this MSDS was obtained from source which we believe are reliable. However, the information is provided without any warranty, express or implied, regarding its correctness.
    The MSDS was prepared and is used only for this product. If the product is used as a component in another product, this MSDS information may not be applicable.




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